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pyramid lake underwater tunnels

We were initially met with suspicion by Egyptian authorities who wanted to know who we were, what we wanted, and how we even knew about the shafts. Dr. Selim Hassan tried to clear the chamber but, after four years of pumping, the water level had not descended. The tunnel, which connects to another, is made of stone and is about 2ft (60cm) wide and tall. emily in paris savoir office. It might reveal instead an earlier pre-dynastic culture which some scholars have referred to as the Atlantic Period, relating to those who fled a catastrophic flood event on earth and brought advanced knowledge to the Egyptian lands to preserve it from future global destruction. They showing all certificates about purity and high quality of that water. There are those who believe this to be the tomb of the god Osiris, which is why they refer to it as the Osiris Shaft. It is still there to this day, but its exact location has been lost. Learn how your comment data is processed. Forgive me, I did not mean to write incompetent. This is the newer part of the tunnel, a. Entrances at Lake Ontario possible underwater UFO bases/cities. The Mysterious Black Knight Satellite - Who Really Owns It? This water source connected both east and west of the pyramid. In an underwater investigation in Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Province, China, started on June 13, 2006, archeologists discovered remains of a group of huge ancient buildings at the bottom of the lake. Water samples were collected for analysis. Regardless of how they were constructed, the Egyptian pyramids of the Giza Plateau represent one of mankinds most astonishing engineering achievements. The ancients had diverted the Nile into canals to carry out this monumental task. Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? I wasnt sure of the bacteria levels, so I put on plastic gloves and filled up sterile containers with water samples. Navy halts use of fuel storage complex above Hawaii . That sounds cool, but Madison's Rick Krueger - arguably Wisconsin's top underwater detective - thinks such tales are so much loon poop. He's written articles for MU and Daily Grail and has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM and Binnal of America. One-hundred kilometers outside of Xi'an, an ancient city in central China, among green grasses, farms, and forests, rise a hundred pyramid-shaped mounds that have been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years. The investigation team found numerous regularly placed stones featuring mysterious carvings. The city capped the underwater entrance with wooden cribbing weighted with boulders, and forgot about it. It wouldnt be surprising if they did. According to Herodotus, ancient Egyptian priests spoke of a long-held tradition of the creation of underground chambers by the original builders of ancient Memphis. SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Scientists have found a previously undiscovered moai on Easter Island, uncovering the large stone statue in a dry lake bed on the tiny, remote island in the middle of the. The Giza Inspector used a wood strip to attempt to retrieve my key card, but the card slid down further into the silt where it will probably remain forever. Mission to Inner Earth - Is it Really Hollow? Thank you for including all of us into a wonderful world we did not know existed, and letting us see it. Lining the passageways and underground tunnels of the pyramid is granite, which is slightly radioactive. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, A Boat-Swallowing Sea Monster of Norse Legends Still Lives Today, Ghosts, Fairies, and a Spectral Hag on Canada's Most Haunted Island, More on the Matter of the Most Dangerous Creature of the Mind: The Slenderman, Giraffe Genome Project May Help Save Giraffes, Shamans, Psychedelics, and One Man's mystical Journey in the Amazon to Find a Miracle Cure, Some of the Strangest Cases of Hauntings: From Loch Ness to Ancient Warriors, Ghost Photos and Encounters from England's Haunted Wellington Pier. Un Meeting November 2019, Just in case. Its hermetically sealed by some form of ancient technology process. Must Read : The Changing Face of the Indian Railways 2. (Author supplied). Your research was very interesting, but it is incompetent. And then I saw it, a stone slab cover to a sarcophagus buried just beneath the waters surface. This is certainly the case with the gorgeous Pyramid Lake of Nevada. I was told this chamber was for the favored onesthe guardians which tended to be the highest of priests. Maybe the saltiness of the water stems from thousands of years rain water; filtering its way to the tunnel and carrying minerals and such which was already in the earth. There were undecipherable markings on the slab, a crisscross of deeply carved lines and some symbols. From time to time, they travel into our land through tunnels that stretch in many directions. Before a Pharaoh could face the trials of the Twelve Great Halls, he first had to secure passage in the form of a boat that would carry him down the river of the Underworld. In the past they referred to this hidden place as that shaft complex. There are hundreds of pyramids around the world, many overgrown by vegetation and barely recognizable. The energy down there feels electrified, the air even feels cleaner. In 2015, with the aid of Electric Tridimensional Tomography, scientists discovered a lake and caverns run underneath the Yucatans Kukulcan Pyramid at Chichen Itza. The Tunneling Shield. Thank you in advance!!! It is known that as early as 1934, the third chamber was already under water. The inspector handed me the key and allowed me the honor of opening this secret doorway. I meant to say, and thought I wrote- incomplete. of a number of its geometric forms, including g pyramids, cones, walls, and trenches. The tunnels led water from under the funeral . Pyramid Lake spans 1,360 acres with depths of 700 feet and 21 miles of shoreline. Another thing that many might not realize is that this spectacularly beautiful locale is steeped in dark history, and tales of strange creatures, mysterious disappearances, and sinister curses. As with many controversial sites, the Egyptian government is not allowing excavation there. I wondered how they had managed to remove the other five sarcophagi, if they indeed existed. A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire. I'm not sure anymore what they have found inside the sarcophagus, but I can remember i was thinking something along the lines of "hmm.. well, not THAT interesting on 1st glance..". The salinity is approximately 1/6 that of sea water. U.S.- Egyptian cultural ties are strengthened as Ivanka Trumps family explores the crumbling pyramids, temples and tombs of the Nile River. Native Winnebago or Ho-Chunk people have talked about a "sunken village of rock tepees" under Rock Lake since the early 1830s, when the first pioneers came in the southern region of Wisconsin between what is now Milwaukee and the capitol at Madison. These Atlanteans may indeed be the true builders of the ancient pyramids. (Author provided), A few steps inside the heavy gate there is a square hole in the ground. The CBBT opened on April 15th, 1964, when it replaced a vehicle ferry service that had been in place since the 1930s. Spanish conquistadors couldn't believe their eyes while exploring the rugged terrain of the Andes during their invasion of Peru. (source). Or it might be a container of highly magnetic source materials. The lakes surface is 140feet below sea-level, and covers about 78square miles. One couldnt help but feel there were some unseen observers down there that day observing our entry into their watery crypt. fascinating stuffive just come upon your website here and missed the Egypt tour.Im looking for a good trip as ive already visited 25yrs ago but spirit is calling again but this time will be very different.not only looking for information re pyramids but the mystical/esoteric now since ive done much work in that sphere.much enjoying your posts here Kathy.. Dear Dr. Forti, In truth, we are just beginning to put together the puzzle pieces that have eluded us for centuries. For example, it took workers nine years (from 1825 to 1843) to build a 1,200-foot tunnel below the Thames River in London. From what I could see in the darkness, it didnt look all that sturdy and I had no idea how old or maintained it was. Researchers Dr. Carmen Boulter and Klaus Dona are using space-based technology to penetrate the Hawara complex for underground anomalies. Ancient writings spoke of these 12 large chambers, which in modern day would be several times the size of football fields. My magnetometer had a higher reading than the norm, suggesting something else entirely. The lakes surface is 140feet (43 meters) below sea-level and covers about 78square miles (202 sq km). To this day, both visitors and locals alike often report hearing the disembodied voices of babies crying or the laughter of children wafting from out across the still water, which are often heard even by people who have never heard of the old tales of Water Babies. Now she believes she's made a pivotal breakthrough. Which means the water that runs under the Giza Plateau is essentially salt water. The Osiris Shaft has been known for quite some time and the sarcophagus on the bottom has most definitely been opened before in recent times: there is even a documentary in which another woman goes down together with Zahi Hawass and shows her the different features of the Osiris Shaft. It is a breathtaking location which holds an undercurrent of menace thrumming quietly under the surface, and holds mysteries that have surrounded it since when the very first people settled the area. Subscribe Today! (Author provided). They now officially call it the Osiris Shaft. A Mysterious Underwater Stonehenge Has Been Found Underneath Lake Michigan. However every continent has them, regardless of the fact that they often are not recognized by the scientific establishment. Large pyramids, totally overgrown, recently were discovered in Indonesia, as well as one big one in West Java. I will assume you paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the opportunity. Whats interesting about Lake Moeris and Hawara is that it shows a massive network of tunnels and underground waterways as well. Ancient Greek legends tell of a hidden above-ground and below-ground pyramid complex at Hawara known as The Labyrinth that contained Twelve Great Halls. Is underground water a pre-requisite for all pyramid building? This is approximately the time of the last ice age. A few steps inside the heavy gate there is a square hole in the ground. Though it was disputed for many years, there is conclusive evidence that Neanderthals bred with modern humans (Homo sapiens). The Egyptian authorities suspect there to be artifacts hidden under the water, possibly a treasure trove of information as well, which the Egyptian government has been reluctant to fully explore. So where is this salt water coming from? In both cases there was a water current present, said Sanchez Nava. Others dispute this dating and believe it dates back much earlier. China has many pyramids and some are extremely tall. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the pathways between the Labyrinth of Hawara and the Giza Plateau being linked, much like an ancient underground subway system. It is very frightning from the view above but the drive t. It might be possible that. Biggest problem is the fact that the ground water level is pretty high, which results in the the whole subterranean structure being flooded. In 2015, with the aid of Electric Tridimensional Tomography, scientists discovered a lake and caverns run underneath the Yucatans Kukulcan Pyramid at Chichen Itza. Scientists say that, based on the newest scans, the structure looks like an underwater volcanic hill. ( CLICK HERE for the full report.). Toronto Tunnels leading to subterranean city. Pyramid Lake is an endorheic lake. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. I don't believe any of the pyramids were tombs. Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologists Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical, Well, water is a good conductor of electricity. While the water down there is relatively clear, there exists a hodgepodge of construction debris from earlier explorersbroken stones, scattered wooden slats, some papyrus strips, and a strange white filmy substance on the water in several places. hamilton broadway tickets 2021. The lake is well known for its crystal clear waters, pristine beauty, and picturesque vistas, as well as for being a sanctuary for vast amounts of birds including geese, pelicans, gulls, owls, grebes and ducksand, as well as a home to numerous endangered species of fish. As always, there is so much going on below the surface. Lake Ontario "Lights" Orange-colored spheres have been seen coming out of/diving into Lake Ontario. The director of archaeology for the National Institute of Anthropology and History, Pedro Sanchez Nava, said the theory makes sense in light of other pre-Hispanic peoples such as those who lived at Teotihuacan, near Mexico City, where another water tunnel was found. The tribe eked out a living out in this harsh desert environment by catching fish such as the Cui-ui, the Tui chub and Lahontan cutthroat trout, as well as gathering the sparse food resources from the desert such as grasshoppers, rodents, deer, and rabbit, in addition to various berries, roots, seeds and nuts. hi, I was searching google about water tests in tunnels of pyramids, and Im glad I found your text here. The first level opened to a spacious but empty room. The tunnels are usually buried beneath stone to prevent collapse. If Hawara has Twelve Great Halls, as the ancient Greeks wrote about, the water tunnels under the Great Pyramid may be even more significant. According to Herodotus, ancient Egyptian priests spoke of a long-held tradition of the creation of underground chambers by the original builders of ancient Memphis. The road skirting Pyramid Lake was one of the . Read your post on Melchizedek and it sounded pretty spot on to what is explained in the Urantia (earth) book which those who read it consider it to be the 5th revelation of epochal significance to earth . The archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzalez said on Monday that researchers believe the tomb and pyramid were purposely built atop a spring between 683-702 AD.

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