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eros conjunct lilith synastry

in the 12th house, you might be safe in assuming that there was a marriage or long-term relationship in a past life. Im not accepting you scaring people into running from possible happy, fulfilling relationships over one aspect that none of us even know how it can manifest in millions of ways. Yes very passionate.50shades of grey is just childplay. There is NO way this will work out well, in my opinion. Sexual Attraction | Cafe Astrology .com My Sun and Mercury sandwich this conjunction by four and three degrees. And In fact, it is the opposite. Uranus/Mars in synastry can be kinky. This isn't always a bad thing, however. For example, I am the moon person and my mars also falls in his 8th and much of what you described for moon/pluto conjunction sounds like us. I have some extreme aspects and I shudder to think how they would be expressed had I not had saturn at the top of my chart who keeps things in check via a grand trine involving some big bad planets. Is this something that reliably and consistently is reflected in a variety of different charts? You can gather the tone of the marriage based on the planets involved and the sign that theyre in. Moon/Pluto in a trine is very powerful, too. The conjunction is especially strong, but the trine, square, and opposition can also indicate a past life connection or marriage. Try to post the charts so see a visual! But interested to see how things unfold. We are dealing with very primal emotions here and we all know what primal emotions and passions can do if a person is not careful. I always question the role of house overlays and given this topic the 8th house comes to mind. You lose about 25% but still have about 75%. The Nessus person brings abuse to the ASC/DSC person. Conjunction, Opposition, Square, and Trine! If an asteroid is conjunct an angle or a planet, placed in a prominent position, or stands out because of some other reason, it can provide an additional layer of insight in chart analysis. Hi, For more context, Nessus/BML dont aspect anything else except a grand trine with Mercury/MC and Jupiter. In my studies and usage of them, they play out to be the abuser and the victim. Am I right? Opposition AC / Moon and trigone mars and saturne. Would you liken moon/pluto dynamics to an 8th house moon overlay? Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations - Celeste Asteroids and aspects do not control people. He has a strong nessus (conjunct with his sun + true node in cancer ). For that reason, I am not for everyone and know this but I seem to be appreciated by people who think like I do. So the theory doesnt check out. I bet that the son was still the abuser though, even if he was the victim, as a child. Synastry | PlutonicDesire Uranus is kink, so you do the math. I dont even have tattoos or my ears pierced. They made my day, Jeanie. As you know, or can find from my directory, Eros and Psyche are my favorite asteroids. Not eros. eros conjunct sun in synastry - ProBoards Also, there is no abuse either way. I believe her Dejanira is conjunct his Nessus by one degree. Amazingly accurate. I am worried about being the abuser here. To gather more about the flavor of the relationship, look to the actual aspect (is it favorable or difficult?) Eros contacts in synastry have been touted as creating attraction that cannot be denied. It will not heal anyone to tell them that they are wrong when they say that their relationship is healthy and happy even though they have an aspect that you think is destined to be unhealthy. I dont want people to get the wrong idea and then get scared over a small aspect. Nessus is the abusers asteroid. Further, there is such a thing such as free will. I am sorry! Eros wants intense encounters that lead to lasting transformation. Which probably held it together for SO long. Hi Amiann, how do you think nessus square neptune would play out in synastry, lets say if its almost exact. She has never treated me as less than, and she is extremely giving. Eros: Synastry Aspects - It takes me several hours so I could not do it here. and DW : womans Nessus (13 Gemini) opposite mans Juno ( 12 Sag). It is the passion of lovers and the pure, primal love of a mother for her baby. You can think that Im mad that what youre saying is real all you want, but the only thing that bothered me is your fatalistic outlook and claim of truth that is actually not real. It is typical cat and mouse game with taboo twists. It seems like the man of your childhood dreams walked out of the ether into your life like the larger than life heroes on the movie screens. Our composite moon is at 26 Virgo and pluto at 0 libra. It makes me feel very crazy. If you do not have either of these in the natal but have them in synastry, it will play out the same way. Thanks for your help Amiann. This was likely a more romantic or sexual relationship instead of something that sustained itself day to day. If someone does not want to accept the truth, that is their choice, but I, personally, will not do their chart. Also, I discovered that my daughter has Dejanira conjunct her 2H Virgo Moon(3 deg. Eros conjunction sun and lucky point.. and mercury, uranus, pluto and venus in house seven, libra. The pairing can easily fulfill the other's sexual desires and unlock some of their naughty fantasies. so what would it be? Thanks! Sorry if its too much info xx, Ps, sorry! My sun and deja are on his nn. It took me a minute to think about the wounded bird types, but I think you might be right. Would appreciate some insight!! Fortuna Conjunct the Vertex. In fact, it is the opposite. 3) Angles in the houses & aspects. A recent past life will influence every bit of the relationship you have now. I think you are insightful, do not get me wrong, but being fatalistic is not the truth, and me saying that being fatalistic is wrong to do and is detrimental to people that dont know how complex astrology is, does not mean that I am not accepting the truth. Lilith-Mars Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Lilith-Mars aspects are all about clash of desires. This relationship can be really passionate, fiery, and exciting. Hats off to your courage. As a result, this aspect can feel like opening a can of worms that literally fly, not crawl, out of the unconscious. I suppose I should add that. As such, Nessus seems out to be the abuser and Deja the victim. This is not to say it would be better or even easier. Im pluto and he is the moon. However, if the time is right, for sure, I would trust the chart over a personal account. Who is whom? thank you again for being so welcoming, Thank you so much, Sovietlana! He may abuse her and it would be seen publicly. Lilith conjunct Ascendant Making people fear being in relationships over tiny aspects that do not have an incredibly high chance of playing out is not healing to others. You could post it in my Forum if you would like, Eva. Thanks for your posts Ami. Lol just noticed what you wrote at the end about Mars/Uranus, sorry! The Lilith person might have trouble with issues surrounding desirability. with Dejanira conjunct his natal Sun I dont think you can draw the concrete conclusion you did from these aspects. Would an eighth house overlay make these destructive or strengthen ? I still talk to him to this day and I honestly will never forget how magnetic this relationship was. Sun and Lilith aspects in the Synastry Chart: How do you - 12andus I was wondering how abuse would play itself out if the Nessus-Deja synastry conjunction is in Cancer. And as far as I know theres a strong correlation between nessus and psychopaths/abusers. Sorry, lol. That would seem to be the case but sometimes, the strength of these aspects get the better of us, so it is hard for me to answer. It is just the North Node, after all, not a personal planet. We also have mars opposite pluto (Im pluto) in synastry. 2) I just started going out with a guy, we have good chemistry and just checked our natal charts and see we share amazing aspects except for my dejanira. There is always a risk with Eros when he falls on a personal planet of point, and meeting Lilith is the greatest of them. It is like sky diving. Most Astrologers dont tell things straight like I do. What about Nessus conjunct Dejanira in synastry and there is no abuse whatsoever, what would that mean? We also had a Juno Vertex conjunction. I am sorry. Lilith cops the craziest projections - that she could cause miscarriages or tried to wreck men's marriages via 'erotic nightmares' and so on. Youll always want to look at the chart as a whole, read everything as a metaphors, and use your intuition. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. A later relationship was abusive (a psychopath) His Nessus square my Sun Does it matter if he doesnt have pluto in aspect to my venus (mine is 19 Libra)? I wonder if that would mean that he IS an abuser but couldnt abuse me ?? You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. You are welcome to your opinion but I stand on what I wrote. or you consider just the closer orbit? That is most certainly not the truth. Black Moon Lilith Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary For your daughter, watch out she does not get sexually abused. Powerful, you say? Past Life Indicators in Synastry and Karmic Relationships - Astrology A Lilith conjunct Mars synastry creates an intense hot affair that can lead to abuse of power and hostility, and this couple must learn to take care of each other before passion consumes their lives. Your passions are overwhelming, spontaneous, and you develop your attractions without even thinking about it. Theyre both devoted and kind people and Ive known her since we were teens. The nessus and deja conjunction is in Cancer. This only works with a synastry chart, and (as always) is simply my own opinion! ? Pluto trine Venus, Venus quincunx Pluto If your Dejanira conjuncts his ASC, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus or NN, you will be his victim. You are so welcome, Britt and thanks so much for telling me that you like it. They have a very strong sense of "us against the world," and they will fight to protect the boundaries of their relationship at all costs. I just got into astrology a month ago and find it fascinating. Once awakened, no matter how untamed the experience becomes, we are given a rare opportunity to integrate, redeem and restore Eros and Lilith to a place of honor through shared, transcendental sexual activity. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 I would say that there must be wonderful soul connections that keep down the abuse that would come up without these. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. When someone's planet touches our natal Eros in synastry, it is as if we have been stuck by Cupid's arrow. Thank you Ariel! Where did you get these theories from? If you know, let me know! Not sure which one id prefer. About YOU being the Nessus with your b/f. Im not saying it is impossible for the aspects to play put for people, because a lot of times, you do see it come into play, but really only when ones own natal supports that factor with aspects between actual planets. I am looking to add 5 more aspects and would love your opinions! Eros is a spicy little asteroid who generates excitement in relationship astrology. I think her NN is right on his 7th house axis for one. Good afternoon, thank you for this article Many people say they have overcome things but I watch their actions and see they are lying. I am Sag with rising capricorn and he is Capricorn w/rising Sag. Eros & Psyche in. Lilith and Ceres conjunct in the synastry chart Your rebellious free spirit and nurturing sides are enmeshed. To me, this is always a fundamental place to start. I dont know too much about asteroids and wonder if the intense attraction I am feeling will fizzle as quickly as it came about or if it lasting. We enter the month of February, with lust, love and passion. I wasnt abused as a child in any way. Well, we have a Sun (me) trine Pluto and a Pluto (me) conjunct his sun, Thank you so much for the reply and sorry for the late reply, Ive just seen it xx My moon is in Sagittarius and his in cancer, so that always worries me , He has pluto at 27 Virgo with my sun at 11 Virgo. Maybe, maybe not. Ami, hello. Please post the charts. I will come back and answer when I have time to really look at the details. You interpret things based off of your own view. More about Synastry (relationship Astrology) Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate . And my pluto trine his sun and, Mars sq Pluto can be violence and/or violent/strong passions. With the Lilith conjunct sun, the Sun person is seduced by the other Lilith person. They may not be able to see what you are up to and you could use this for your gain. Did you know I had one? That never ceases to amaze me, either! Great questions. It wasn't until he began to withhold sex from me that I finally crumbled. Drawing that authoritarian feminine energy into the already present power themes must have been really overwhelming, just flooding in from every corner. It gives no leg room, and its fearful to people. Eros Synastry: The Nodes and Major Angles of Your Chart (Conjunctions (double-whammy..) I guess ill post mine and then our synastry chart. You, as the Pluto in the trine with his Sun and venus could kind of see through him lol, Thank you Amy for your reply We are both passionate, but luckily, by nature, not violent people thank God . Deja conj the DSC may make you look for wounded bird types. Do we exile her from consciousness or build her a sanctuary for potent, creative expression? The conjunction is excact. The 12th house is all about past life astrology, so the planets can always be applied to past lives as well as the current life. I often see this aspect in the charts of couples who have been married for many years. Eros/Pluto/Lilith together makes for one powerful combination. Im 30 with a mother that is 32 years older than myself and have never experienced any abuse, and Ive been alive and around my mother long enough to experience it. Does the man walk up to you and tell you that he wants to abuse you because you seem like the perfect victim? orb). DO they have Moon trine Moon or Moon conjunct Moon. or is the bad guy Nessus only dangerous when in conjonction with Dejanira ? Thank you for your reply. There are many, many possibilities in astrology, even infinite if Im speaking on the complexity of each persons chart. Ceres in Synastry, Signs, Houses, Retrograde - Astrology Mars/Pluto is more primal in a pure sexual way than Moon/Pluto which is more emotional and much more emotionally bonded. Ten Conjunctions to the Vertex in Synastry - My Christian Psychic As for MY natal chart I also have mars and Saturn conjunct in Scorpio. Her theme is power-alluring and irresistible. It is opinion, not truth. I am not mad, I am correcting you for instilling fear in people with your claim to truth. Your feelings are not fact.

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eros conjunct lilith synastry