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Hellou:] founD myselF intrigued for a post about a random asteroid you have a dear conection with (or one u like a lot?) you may become more like your past than you had wished - the family member(s) you always thought you were so different from may now seem rather familiar. Bill Clinton got married on 11-10-1975 and he was in RAHU-SATURN, Saturn is lord of navamsha and gave him marriage. Cancelli is an advocate for those who undergo this care and often speaks at conferences about death and end of life care. Contents. sadly, the spotlight you stand in may cause others to make assumptions about you and your intentions - nowhere near all are true. they may not let others get close to them due to not feeling safe or not feeling secure enough to expose themselves. Then this is the page that will surely interest you. His works are often thought to be extremely influential or rather unremarkably chaotic like that of a mad-man. Your marriage is running in rough weathers and every marriage prediction by date of birth says that the marriage is doomed. Embed a Tumblr Post. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Sun Answer (1 of 4): Rdhe Ka! This is the classic marriage indicator simply because it is what marriage is all about. ALSO mini apologies for the amount of time youve all waited for this post and how may times i say you in it HAHA im tired - been going for so long this draft is from JULY TENTH like it just needed to get wrapped up and sent out but moving, my health, and now school has gotten in my way so we are rolling with it. IN MY OPINION Cheshirecat in a chart represents a) where you are spiritually guided, b) where you show faulty reasoning or make false assumptions, c) where you frustrate others, and/or d) where you know more than those around you. The meaning of the word marriage has taken multiple directions off late. no matter what though you have a strong stage presence. she won the congregation over with her thoughts and ideas of worship then drew people in based on her looks. The 'Sun/Moon' midpoint is a degree thatwhen activated by transit or progressionsuggests major changes in the relationship. The Cheshire Cat is one of those characters that tend to be smug with an omniscient aura. dont be afraid to explore sexuality or style at your own pace (remember you are beautiful - its scary to try new things but scary doesnt mean bad, ugly, and/or unworthy). medusa-sun: you may feel safest in a leadership role, around your father/a masculine figures, and/or expressing yourself, but these situations may cause you danger. while im being creative, expressing myself ? you may be a leader and not know it. they may take longer to find a style that works for them. Venus - significator of wife. you may find yourself working for a feminine icon. negative aspects: you may experience a physical change that takes a toll on your social life and mental health. His invasion from the Alps took the Romans by surprise and led to an incredible defeat of Roman troops - this is the combat often referred to as the Battle of Cannae. If youre in school this could be a graduation into a harsher reality, standardized testing, or grades slipping through, and sleepless nights trying to muster up the words you want to say to express the thoughts running through your mind. scorpio (8, 20): you likely shield your emotions and passions from others, preferring to look stoic over emotional. take what resonates and leave what doesnt! they may be extremely ruthless or lack a spine when it comes to asserting themselves. youd likely be the gorgon who is aware of her crowd, willing to let people be around you for the wrong or right reason - it matters little to you. Intermediate Composite chart reading $55: -What planets are transiting you and the persons houses and how that may affect you both and the relationship, -includes the basics of the basic composite chart reading but with 10 aspects instead of 5, If you want to include some asteroids, its $2 more for an asteroid, -sun/saturn conjunction/square can indicate depression at some point. thats enough from me. any creature comfort zones that involve you entering the space of another woman may be your thing - you may personally have experience in settings like those and wish to give back. stand up for yourself even if its i dont appreciate that you owe no one an explanation. It's the connections your planets make to your partner's. It gives insight to the interactions between you two. This also doesnt apply to just romantic relationships, this is to any partnerships, even with parents, that need a reassessment of values and boundaries. Or a negative aspect like divorce can arise too. Aries (Saturn in the 11th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your connections, friendships, hopes and aspirations. but we did a count and I didnt look at my arm the rest of the day lol. you arent alone in period issues either - talk with your doctors! they are likely not the most willing to eliminate the things in their life that are no longer the best for them. xx. you could unconsciously put off strangers simply due to sensitivity - the asteroids namesake sparked a lot of fear from the masses after her transformation because of misguided displays of emotion. When positively aspected, it supports good communication in a relationship. OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: alice (291) and lewiscarrol (6984)! BUT when I am in a leadership role everything gets done like a well oiled machine. so you too may be someone who speaks with your eyes and your body. Make sure to not make any risky financial decisions during this time such as gambling. The TARDIS, or the Time And Relative Dimension In Space, is featured in the popular Doctor Who television series. This is an important turning point in your life especially if it crosses over your Midheaven (MC) point, youre being called to prove your worth in society as an important asset through your abilities. If you are looking for a long-term relationship, the moon signs of you and your partner should be compatible." Rising Sign (also known as Ascendant): Determined by the Zodiacal sign that was. 1h chiron or chiron-asc; to me this could make you appear as someone who dotes on others (aka the husband). similar to medusa, you may work for a group in which you feel there is an important foundation and message present. i have a blood mutation that causes my blood to clot (yes blood is marss territory but my clotting disorder could transfer a clot formed in my arm to my heart or my leg to my brain) when there is no need to - it could be hot out, i could have no cuts or scraps, i dont need to bump into anything and BAM a bruise, a hematoma, a blood clot. your charisma also attracts a lot of interesting people into your world. Car troubles are common so watch for road mishaps and accidents, this could be a time to learn to drive, getting a license, or simply moving up in learning or your community. if it is just a chart or what does this mean? i will be deleting the ask - im closed to all full readings. Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, or Santa is the Western Christian icon who is believed to bring children gifts on Christmas Eve. MERCURY: retrograde occurs three or four times a year for around three weeks. Like I read this thing a long ass time ago about Mercury in the 7th either having 2 really long relationships or having 2 marriages. you too may have methodical habits in your work life - maybe it is particularly times you check for updates or how you go about responding to emails. Native may suffer from divorce or more than 1 marriage. He is considered the most diversified well-learned person to have lived. they are likely always early or always late. Toys are meant to be a treat while coal serves as a practical reminder to behave better and perhaps some day youll get a real treat (like a diamond - with enough pressure and time coal transforms into diamonds). He and I met in school (the 10th house is related to our professional career and school and aspirations, and Gemini is associated with education) and we fell on love on the stage doing drama. you may be a bit of a pessimist, planning for the doom in most scenarios - youd be the version of medusa who felt unsettled getting water feeling that something was wrong. Charles Schulz was a popular American cartoonist who was known for his comic strip Peanuts (featured Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy, and many other lovable characters). Aquarius is bringing new to whats old, Saturn is authority and government, more radical and socialistic ideals are being held to higher esteem by more people as times grow harsher. A moon that is intercepted, unaspected, detriment or in fall, or only forming discordant aspects will probably indicate feelings of insecurity, dissatisfaction, or distance. The expression eureka originates in Greece as the term heurka meaning I have found it. Now the word is a popular expression used when someone is overjoyed with their discovery. it may sound crazy but doing something like a cleanse, a cinnamon ritual, a simmer pot, a tarot reading, etc. you may be doing nothing wrong yet everyone is sensitive to your actions, if not, simply your presence. IN MY OPINION Porta coeli in a chart can show a) where you are the most at peace, b) where you may have views of great beauty, and/or c) when there is both purity and reward for your good deeds. you could be(come) a public figure adored by those who watch you in a self-nurturing environment. Actor enjoyed Peleus company so much so that he not only absolved him, but gave him a third of his kingdom. Hannibal fought for many years and up until the very end too - Hannibal became surrounded by Romans and was forced to surrender, but Hannibal poisoned himself instead of submitting to them, his terminal enemies. i suspect that when medusas rage was over, she did feel sorry or pain regarding turning people to stone. i have linked just a few of many incredible posts regarding an assortment of topics and i hope to add more to this post in the future but until then, astrocartography: sun lines by @factsrological, fame and money indicators by @d4rkpluto, finding lost things with astrology help by @venusfun, placements for big career growth by @the-falling-star, planning your day using astrology by @rxmxa, how to predict the cycle of a relationship in astrology using composite charts by @factsrological, how to predict the future of your relationship in astrology by @factsrological, mc in the composite chart by @elysiansparadise, mercury in the composite chart by @elysiansparadise, explaining the moon signs; i dont even remember i made this lol by @asstrolo, mercury observations: our anxieties & getting through the day by @rxmxa, #0012 this is what your pluto experiences loss in by @mysoullanguage, the vertex vs anti-vertex by @factsrological, aspects in the chart series by @elysiansparadise, meeting the rising signs series by @rxmxa, "the 4th house: the safety we need by @rxmxa, hebe (asteroid 6) the goddess of youth by @royaleofury, juno: your guide and love story by @elysiansparadise, lilith asteroid/hypothetical planet series by @d4rkpluto, part of fortune in houses by @loveemagicpeace, midheaven persona chart by @personachartsblog, neptune persona chart mc by @evangelinesbible, the asc in the sr chart by @guxciestone, venus return chart by @evangelinesbible, your mars in their house by @elysiansparadise, your jupiter falling in their house by @elysiansparadise. pisces (12, 24): you may be rather clueless as to what is going on in the world around you. Both Greek and Roman historians carefully documented his life. negative aspects: you will likely find yourself being aggressively pursued by masculine figures during your lifetime. Basic Synastry reading $80 (takes a lot of time): -a quick break down of both of your charts seperately, -how you both work together (5-10 aspect explanations), -what areas to work on together in the relationship, -inlcudes a basic description of the houses of the planets. i truly click with dostoevskys thoughts, it shows in the moon and mercury trining his asteroid in my chart. I dont care if they say my blood pressure is high from the anxiety lol. Suppose the 7th house Lord is in a dual sign, then the second marriage may occur.It must be understood that Dasha-Antardasha should support the second marriage astrology. your asylum may not be as safe as you first perceive it to be. Youre likely to experience a reassessment in your worth through newly gained knowledge, and trying to gain authority through broadening your horizons is essential during this time. having a busy mind like yours, like I said, causes your thoughts to be read by others in a nonverbal manner. my advice for surviving this retrograde: daily check-ins. anything that is retrograded in your chart can indirectly affect you OR the aspect of the planet or asteroid takes longer to develop. you may have a bit of nervous energy that makes you fear like others are out to get you and you might just be spot on - it may be a medusa and poseidon type of deal: hes following me, he wants to hurt me, where do i go? One can read many more such things on marriage astrology on my website, write a mail or call my office on +91 9278665588/9278555588. your passions shine through with intense emotion like medusa and her worship. Bill Clinton's Navamsha Chart CLINTON DASHA all i really need is how about bacchus (2063)? PLEASE ALWAYS CHECK MY MASTERLIST TO SEE IF I HAVE DONE THE ASTEROID. ex: just for one hour, when dinner is over, etc OR tell yourself you have to say hi to ___ before you can leave or set a number of people you want to say hello before dipping. Youre called to be the voice of reason, to reassess your communication style and bring truth of revolution so speak and let your voice be heard no matter how discouraging it can be. sleep, relax - a few lazy days never killed anyone OR have a lowkey day a walk instead of a run, meal prep. Mercury is known as the "messenger of the gods" in astrology because it governs the day-to-day expression between people. my only advice is not to take things so seriously, if you are looking for romance :/ get a book - its definitely not perfect day one of any dating scene. the asteroids namesake was also very knowledgeable regarding worship - so it is likely you have a deep knowledge of the area in which you commit. tzi is suspected to have eaten two hours before this death, to have been some sort of shepherd, and to have had a parasitic infection. am i gonna die?, etc. medusa-jupiter: you may feel safest when you feel like you have received a lot of luck recently, in religious settings, around your husband, at university, when traveling, and/or when indulging in life, but these situations may cause you danger. the 8h is also slightly spiritual, so you may find that you are a devoted subject just like this gorgon in terms of a cause or being. evaluate relationships with others: distance yourself from those using you. Estrogen is higher in those who have endometriosis so taking a hormone birth control aids in symptom relief. negative aspects: you may be deceived easily by those you respect or those you initially view as harmless. you may find yourself being punished by a higher-up for something someone else did - this causes damage to both your reputation and profession. so you like this gorgon may have a traumatic first experience with sex or may experience rape. do a weekly check-in with yourself to ensure you are still happy with your decision. you are likely a genuine person whom doesnt do things because they want power, rather because they care. if you think i go ham over astrology, you should see my crystal and geology textbooks (hella tabs and hella annotated). Aquarius (Saturn transiting the 1st house) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through your world view, self image, and persona. fertility is a problem for more people than you think but we are blessed to live in a world where there are options: adoption, fostering, surrogacy, IVF, etc. SATURN: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around four to five months. IN MY OPINION Madhatter in a chart may indicate a) where you tend to drive people away, b) where you are indefinitely frustrated with others, c) where you may have a vital warning for others, and/or d) where you are constantly worried or stressed to the point of madness. positive aspects: you may receive a lot of independence and freedom in your lifetime. they may feel creatively blocked or like they only have creativity to help them express themselves. another fun one is an asteroid named endo - endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women. The natural tenth sign of Capricorn is the sign of. it is likely very important to you that you feel like you are useful and doing something of meaning - making you someone who often performs acts of service. the 2nd and the 11th. they may not feel like they are capable of standing up to others. where lova is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in virgo at 6 - haha this is where it gets interesting. your greatest strength is this giving and restorative nature. is it then shocking to you that i am not a very nostalgic person? Taurus (Saturn in the 10th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your public persona, reputation, career choice, family dynamics, and authority around you. but do remember she is still an iconic figure even after she changes. You are a Number 1 if you have 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th as your date of Birth. chiron retrograde people may not realize they are suffering until it is too late. gossip may be a downfall for them or stir up worse situations for them. thus nearly everyone around the world feels the same way. they may not be an acts of service type of person - their love language is likely not one that promotes much giving. you could be seen as glamorous by onlookers. They see the relationship between two people as an entity separate from the individuals in the relationship. libra (7, 19): you are likely a people pleaser, and this, of course, makes you captivating. form strong harmonious aspects, are in prominent houses) in your natal chart, that can indicate fame in your lifetime. but similar to this mythical character when something negative occurs you may find that people who know your family compare you to a member (most often it will be your mother); you are just like your father, youre your mothers daughter alright, etc. hermes retrograde people may be surrounded by a lot of mischievous people and tend to take the fall for others wrongdoings. Birth control helps to regulate hormones like estrogen and progesterone in your body. rest and care for yourself - have a lot of downtime, eat well, and do low-intensity exercise. This may make the individuals focused more on looking strong than working on the fundamentals of the relationships. Its important to remember though that it may not be easy for us to personally understand or relate to the composite chart between us and others. you enjoy being the best at everything you do. Astrology prediction for marriage can also tell when you are most likely to get married. affirmations. i clearly love the learning part but the institution part is like :/. you are okay and you spoke your mind and that is something to be proud of! Hii in my neptune persona jupiter in leo 2House, can you tell me places , finding lost things with astrology help, how to predict the cycle of a relationship in astrology using composite charts, how to predict the future of your relationship in astrology, explaining the moon signs; i dont even remember i made this lol, mercury observations: our anxieties & getting through the day, #0012 this is what your pluto experiences loss in, my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post, part 1: primordials, titans, gods, goddesses, & muses, question about natal 1h varuna, negative sun-varuna aspects, and positive mc-varuna aspects. bella squares neptune for me so sometimes i experience a dysmorphia regarding my beauty - looking in a mirror or seeing a picture of me sometimes really irks me. eris retrograde people may unknowingly cause trouble by doing something they thought would be overlooked. you may find yourself going to a feminine when you need help and them betraying you. medusa-athene (881) / pallas (2): positive aspects: you may find yourself feeling at home in a feminines space. Married life will suffer from Disharmony and lackluster conjugal bonding. Physically, watch for issues with the chest and breasts. you may feel feared throughout life, which leads to your confinement or isolation from others. its okay to take a break and rest! Astrological Indicators of Marriage Our hypothesis In this study, the Astro Investigators examine the astrological aspects between natal charts of married couples to determine if astrology has a role in making a marital commitment. negative aspects: you may not have wanted to become like your mother, but it happened/happens. you may be very routine and ritual oriented - you likely get into a zone where you stop paying attention to everything around you and focus solely on what the task is. * Saturn 1st house my advice for surviving this retrograde: avoid social media. BUT i do tend to make overly critical assumptions that may be due to the virgo degree. you are meant to be a leader. you are likely very religiously devoted. you may find home doesnt really feel like home to you. i feel like MARS retrograde people are always collecting injuries - it doesnt matter what they are doing. that being said, i find that a lot of venus retrograde people struggle to come to terms with their sexuality and oftentimes clothing is used to shelter it. i implore you to read the moon aspects to see what resonates! aries (1, 13, 25): you may notice that people are drawn to you energetically. It creates the distinct characteristics present in someone. if you have no interest in the history, look for bolded statements to avoid all the reading lol. meeting your person, getting engaged, and getting married, mars-uranus aspects, 10h, and the north node, moving homes or traveling in continent or internationally. when you do something you appreciate, smile and acknowledge you did that! you may be emotionally in tune with everything around you. practice active listening to others - you may be a realist while some one else is a dreamer, a healthy balance is somewhere in between. turned people to stone without a single bat of an eye. let me know if youd like me to go over any of the asteroid gods/goddesses i have already covered, in terms of their retrograde, so i know that youre interested in a part 2! This is shown by the 10th house. tell someone about something you havent told anyone about. yea, im convinced that im going to meet my romantic partner in business-like setting - its all too earthy to be anything else (PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG). hiii, what are the indicators of meeting the person you will marry on the solar return chart?. this placement may have issues with men - whether it is masculinity, a father, or men, in general, is up for grabs. Juno is the patron of married women and marriage. Your horoscope indicates right . If you would like to see your natal chart with any of the following minor aspects added, go to > Free Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection. Enter in your birth information, and when you arrive to a page where you can select what astrological chart you would like, scroll down to Additional Objects and enter the number of the asteroid you would like in your chart. they may not like social functions finding them uncomfortable or anxiety-invoking. where michelangelo is for me and how it affects me personally: 7h in libra at 25 - i hope my future hubby is built like David :p but no seriously that libra placement takes precedent for my artistic eye. its not terrible to not reach all of your goals in a day. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. feel free to use the following to analyze your natal chart, solar returns, or as a survival guide during retrograde periods! keep a dream journal. they may not be the most jealous person but rather the person who is too insecure to be jealous - people who say i knew it was too good to be true or simply walk away because there is no reason to fight for what they want anyway. out for a walk? Physically, watch for problems with your teeth, knees, and the skeletal system. Palliative care is the comfort care a person receives when diagnosed with a terminal illness that will likely end in death. they may experience sickness: chronic or acute - most common is depression (which may cause a lot of isolation from others) and frequent common colds. asteroids that arent getting more attention than this, astrological posts that arent related to asteroids (or that arent specific to just one), composite and synastry observations regarding the luminary and planetary, *check asteroid masterlists/posts for asteroid related synastry questions*. * Composite AC/Sun in Libra i cant think of a better way to head into the new year then to share some positivity and promote some of my favorite creators on tumblr! * Pluto Conjunct the AC/MC you simply have higher priorities. sagittarius (9, 21): not to be annie-like but, there is always tomorrow - you must keep in mind that one bad day is not a bad lifetime, tomorrow is another day. for those of you wondering, yes, every partner i have had only ever wants to touch and look at me lol. Michelangelo created one of the most famous, if not the most famous, nudes of all time - David. A loss of a pet may be possible during this transit. you too may experience this type of servitude - blocking out everything that happens around you in order for you to focus on your interests. you love having a duty or task which you must perform for others - it adds to feeling useful. i feel like i naturally repel religious people, people in a college setting, or even when i am out in the world on my own traveling. let someone know when something hurts your feelings or bothers you - dont just walk away or brush it off. lmao but for real i feel like i am getting prettier with age if that makes sense? Each aspect is worth 1 point. capricorn (10, 22): you share medusas air of seriousness - she was always too focused on the task at hand rather than noticing the room around her. You are a Number 2 if you have 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th as your date of Birth. positive aspects: you may receive a fresh start or opportunity in the environment that youve always dreamed about (could be aboard or for schooling). Afterwards, select Composite Chart, Mid-Point Method as shown below and click the button that says Click here to show the chart. growing up is rough but hey we all do it and time waits for no human - walk before the universe shoves you along unwillingly. Named after the goddess of marriage and protector of women, this asteroid's placement in your birth chart explains what you look for in a partner, aka what makes you want to commit for the long. i tend to throw out the asks for asteroids i have done or ones not related to mythology. Free Online marriage prediction service gives you the most comprehensive matching and analysis, guide you how you and your marriage life partner stand on each and every parameter. they may feel like everyone else or as though they try their best to fit in with others and met the milestones society sets. Aries Marriages: March 21April 19 Aries is a very adventurous, bold, and independent sign. ellie-mae-astrology: * Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus * Jupiter in the 7th * Saturn 1st house . another point of medusas story that is emphasized is transformation. Many of his painting and works are still studied today as masterpieces i.e. URANUS retrograde people typically struggle with their originality - during this retrograde you may feel as though you are stuck in a rut when it comes to your life and how it looks. depending on placement if may be someone you already know. The epic recounts a tale in which Telemachus searches for his father, Odysseus. you may attract a lot of obsessive people - definitely not in a good way. they could be maximalists or minimalists have no in between. we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault. like internally i know i am pretty but i tend to have off-days where i really dont enjoy myself or how i look (this may be chiron in the 1h or my 12h pluto in the persona chart for this asteroid - its a tough call). so make sure you are always experiencing more - you may find that you enjoy worshipping deities from across many other cultures. ask questions are let out once or twice a day. For a more in depth understanding I recommend looking into finding your Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology for more in depth and personal life path guidance. think sugar daddy. This transit can also indicate a life long commitment, a merging of finances in a marriage or long term commitments is not easy work, but hard work doesnt go unnoticed so connect and collaborate. get a planner and set a date to prepare for the week ahead. where dostoevsky is for me and how it affects me personally: 5h in cancer at 14 - bruh i vibe with fyodor.

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